Tag Archives: easter 2017

Easter 2017

Easter 2017Dear Friends,

As Spring arrives with the colours of crocuses, daffodils, and later tulips, we celebrate the risen-ness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

During March and April, leading up to Easter, there are many opportunities to come closer to God and to Jesus Christ.

On the following Thursday mornings – 16th, 23rd and 30th March – at 10.45am, our Bible Studies take us through Lent with Sunday services celebrating Mothering Sunday and Palm Sunday. During Holy Week, we have a service with communion at 2.30pm on Maundy Thursday, and on Good Friday a contemplative service at 7.30pm to remember the suffering and crucifixion that Jesus went through in order to destroy the power of the devil and give us the gift of salvation.

May our Lord bless us all at this Easter-time.
