Please let me know if you can’t find the complete song for in that raising up there is calmness and faith.
Now I take you back to those two short words ‘calm’ and ‘faith’, neither of which need to be intense or deep in knowledge. We might remember the day when Jesus calmed the storm – Luke 8.v.22-25. Jesus did not calm the storm for Himself but for His frightened disciples as He does it for us.
Then we go to St. Paul writing to the people of the Roman church (Romans 8 v.26 & 27) and saying, “The Spirit (Holy Spirit) helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us by searching in our hearts.” Our simplicity is loved by God and answered by Him.
I have spoken to Revd Michael and Barbara Haighton and they thank us for the prayers. Thinking about those who have not got access to the internet, they suggested turning to Premier Christian Radio, which can be found on channel 725 on Freeview (also available on digital radio).
Almighty and ever hearing God, we pray that we might find stillness, for in stillness we can know your nearness and as we are still Lord you show us how to be calm.Lord God, as we are quiet, we find once more the depth of love which comes to us from your Son Jesus who gave His life that we might live.
As we are still and quiet we remember how Jesus calmed the storms and as, at the present time, we are going through the storm of COVID-19 the prayer is that Jesus might calm our fears, that our children will be safe as well as the teachers and other workers, as the decision has been made for the schools to be opened again soon.
We pray too that the Holy Spirit will be interceding in all our prayers as was promised by St Paul. and as we pray as always in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. AMEN