Tag Archives: man cannot live by bread alone

Man Cannot Live By Bread Alone

Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6 v35)

Dear Friends,

We all seem to enjoy the hymn “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” especially when we sing it in two parts.

Quite recently, in different services, we have been reminded of the words of the second verse where Jesus declares, “Man cannot live by bread alone.” This was after the feeding of the 5000 people and the time when Jesus walked across the water to reach the boat carrying the disciples.

Once again Jesus spoke in parables which the people found hard to understand. Quite simply, He was telling them that they needed the right relationship with Him through belief in Him and His Father God. This has never changed through the years since He said it. People who give their lives to Jesus find that true relationship. It means that they simply follow Him because they know that He has the truth and His way is the way to live.

When we spend our lives thinking about ourselves and how our experiences in life have been unfair, we are hungry and thirsty in our spirits. Once we think about Jesus and about life through Him, that hunger and thirst goes and we see life in a different way. The experiences we’ve had will not have changed but we will. Jesus and others will come before us constantly reliving our own failures and bad experiences.

Seek ye first Jesus and note the wonderful change He makes, and look at those who have found the right relationship with Jesus and note how they deal with their difficulties, their sorrows and their losses. Follow Jesus and His way and discover how life can be fulfilled through Him.

May He bless us all,
