Turning now to the many times that mountains are used by God with his prophets for teaching and we go first to Isaiah telling the people that the mountains have been lade low because of people turning against God. Then we turn to Chapter 40, one of my favourite verses, “’Comfort, comfort my people,’ says your God. ‘…her sins have been paid for”, meaning by the Messiah who God has promised when the mountains will be raised up. We will look at some more later as we are in the time of Lent and we think about a special time when Jesus went up to a high mountain and He wasn’t alone, for He took with Him three of His disciples, Peter, James and John.
Six days before this Jesus had been talking to all of His disciples about His soon to come death. I can imagine that as they made the climb they were deep in thought about what he had told them and that the three men with Him were chosen to teach the others later. As they reached the top, there was a bright light as Jesus was transfigured! How can we understand that the brilliant light was the face of Jesus, as bright as the sun, and His clothes became shining white? And that wasn’t all, they weren’t alone. Moses and Elijah appeared; I pause there for a moment!
Now all my books look at this in different ways, some question, others add thoughts but mine was to remember what the Angel Gabriel said to Mary, “Nothing is impossible with God”. And to help, the three disciples with their faith and us with our faith. While Moses and Elijah were still on the mountain, God’s voice was heard saying, “This is my Son, whom I love – with Him I am well pleased, Listen to Him.” When Jesus saw how frightened Peter, James and John were, He came to them, touched them and said, “Do not be afraid”. And when they opened their eyes, Moses and Elijah were no longer there.
Later, when Peter wrote his second letter, he included what he had experienced when he went upon the Sacred Mountain [2Peter v.18].
A few more mountain verses: Beautiful – Psalm 48 v2; The mountains burst into song – Isaiah 55 v12; God’s love – Isaiah 54 v10; Righteousness like mighty mountains – Psalm 36 v6; “You will go out in Joy, and be lead forth in peace; and the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” – Isaiah 55 v 12.
O Lord and heavenly Father who has given to us your people the true bread that comes down from Heaven, even your Son, Jesus Christ, grant that throughout this Lent our souls may be so fed by Him that we may continually live in Him and he in us; and that day by day we may be renewed in spirit by the power of His endless life, who gave Himself for us and now lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AmenA children’s prayer by Fiona Braddock which is suitable for all:
Dear Lord, Before I go on up to bed, And on my pillow rest my head, I thank you lord for the day I’ve had All the good times and the bad, Thank you for the things I’ve seen, And all the places I have been, Thank you for my friends and relations, And the people in the different nations, And as I come to the last verse, I thank you for the Universe AMEN.