Tag Archives: easter

Thoughts for the Week: The Time Has Come

I had to sit quietly for a while after what was called the Triumphal entry or Palm Sunday. I thought about the change which took place in the hearts and minds of an ordinary person. As I thought, it seemed as if I was one of the disciples, one who could not know how a joyous day could change to hatred, for that was what was in the air. As the time went on a crowd grew more and more because they all wanted to see Jesus and Lazarus who had been raised from the dead by Jesus. When the chief priests and the Pharisees saw that the Jews were gathering to be ready for the Passover, they planned to arrest Jesus at about that time when Jesus and his disciples were at Bethany where his friends Lazarus, Martha and Mary lived; a dinner was given in Jesus’ honour.
We go now to the Passover Feast which we celebrate either by placing on the table all the different kinds of food that were eaten or by having a special meal. The foods are some lamb cooked on the day before the feast to remind people when they were told to show some blood on their doorway, so that during the night when the angel of death came, the firstborn children would be saved. Other foods are an egg for new life, parsley for spring greens, and bitter herbs and salt to remind of other times when God has saved the people. Then unleavened bread and red wine for what we would call the Last Supper.
As Jesus sat for the Passover, He knew what was to come and I write once again as if I was one of the disciples at the feast with Him. Jesus, who was with his disciples, had walked quite a distance along a dirty path for an evening meal. He needed water for washing and none was given to Him; He needed a welcome, none was given to him; He needed a servant to help him, none was given to him. So, as we wait, Jesus stands up, takes off his own outer clothing, wraps a towel round his waist, picks up a bowl of water and begins to wash the amazed disciples’ feet one by one until he gets to Peter who is as outspoken as usual, “No leave me alone, you will not wash my feet”. Jesus, more determined, tells Peter that he doesn’t understand why but one day he will. “You must wash each other’s feet. It is greater to be a servant than a Master”.
Going back to the meal, Jesus, once more troubled in Spirit, says to the disciples, “I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me”. We are shocked, can it be true? We are all His friends and have been with Him all the time. All but one of us was guilty. Simon Peter said to John, “Ask him which one He means?” John, sitting next to him says, “Lord, who is it?” Jesus replied by passing bread to Judas and saying, “What you are about to do, do it quickly”.


The grace of the Lord be with you Today we continue our journey to the cross
Today we hear the stories that make us God’s people.
Today we are a people about to be freed from slavery
Today we are people who come with dirty hands and become clean by water, the Word, bread and wine.
Let us taste and see that the Lord is good, Christ has prepared for us a feast of love.
Let us declare our need of forgiveness and cleansing.
Jesus, our hands, feet and hearts and lives, are dirty from the journey,
We have not loved one another as you have loved us,
Callousness and violence stain our hearts and lives, how will we become clean again?
We see the table there, but who will make us clean and ready for the meal?
Where will we find water for our soiled souls? Restore to us the joy of God’s salvation.
The Lamb of God takes away the sins of the world believe the good news.
In the name of Christ, you are forgiven, Glory to God. Amen

Thought for Today: Holy Saturday

This was a day of sorrow, where Jesus lay in the tomb and his followers wondered what was going to happen next. At the time of writing we are all wondering when the war against the Covid-19 Coronavirus will be won.


SILENT PRAYER (written for the Prayer Handbook by Francis Brienen)

Jesus Christ, who suffered and died upon the Cross We bring before you
The suffering of your people;
Too many walk in the long night of pain,
Too many have no more tears to cry,
Too many know only sorrow and loss Silence. We bring before you
The groaning of your earth
Too long have we violated its laws,
Too long have we depleted its gifts, Too long have we ignored its beauty Silence We bring before you
The crying of your church
Too often have we lost our bearing,
Too often have we been overwhelmed,
Too often have we avoided the way of the Cross. Silence Christ Jesus
In your suffering
All brokenness is named and held
And so we wait in Silence
Until the light of your resurrection shines upon us