Tag Archives: holy saturday

Thought for Today: Holy Saturday

This was a day of sorrow, where Jesus lay in the tomb and his followers wondered what was going to happen next. At the time of writing we are all wondering when the war against the Covid-19 Coronavirus will be won.


SILENT PRAYER (written for the Prayer Handbook by Francis Brienen)

Jesus Christ, who suffered and died upon the Cross We bring before you
The suffering of your people;
Too many walk in the long night of pain,
Too many have no more tears to cry,
Too many know only sorrow and loss Silence. We bring before you
The groaning of your earth
Too long have we violated its laws,
Too long have we depleted its gifts, Too long have we ignored its beauty Silence We bring before you
The crying of your church
Too often have we lost our bearing,
Too often have we been overwhelmed,
Too often have we avoided the way of the Cross. Silence Christ Jesus
In your suffering
All brokenness is named and held
And so we wait in Silence
Until the light of your resurrection shines upon us